Hey pc,
Maybe I could hide, but I'd really like to take about a foot off their mindless stride as they leave gravity and stagger about in a state of floating in the foam of "New Light".
it seems as though i'm never prepared.
i would love to have a simple statement to present to them.
any suggestions?.
Hey pc,
Maybe I could hide, but I'd really like to take about a foot off their mindless stride as they leave gravity and stagger about in a state of floating in the foam of "New Light".
read this link:http://www.kundalini-tantra.com/aspect8.html.
quote: .
entering into any of these aspects of sexual intercourse is considered as having entered into some portion of sexual intercourse itself.
Wow, what an array of definitions. I prefer to think as "Journey" did, "Lovin', Touchin' and Sqeezin' Each Other.............
Works for me!
it seems as though i'm never prepared.
i would love to have a simple statement to present to them.
any suggestions?.
It seems as though I'm never prepared. I would love to have a simple statement to present to them. Any suggestions?
ok, i went to get my hair cut yesterday, and i told her i wanted to do something different.
i've had it long, then colored it blonde, spiked it, and now it's short.
she said how about bald?
Kfz, nah FMZ, sorry!
ok, i went to get my hair cut yesterday, and i told her i wanted to do something different.
i've had it long, then colored it blonde, spiked it, and now it's short.
she said how about bald?
The only thing is he may need to go back the craft store and buy a bigger nose.
All in good cheer!
ok, i went to get my hair cut yesterday, and i told her i wanted to do something different.
i've had it long, then colored it blonde, spiked it, and now it's short.
she said how about bald?
Hey Puternut,
I tried it one time and felt like a total idiot. I'm over 52 and still do not have grey hair. I had all this hair and whacked it off to the tune of clear shoe polish and a snap rag. Snap! I was defiinatly not kewl.
I chose to make another area on my body bald and I'm glad I did. What a relief. No more jerking and tugging trying to hide the motions from public view.
Chow, Elmer
cnn/time poll shows 51% against the war.
why do you pro war people hate america?
america: love it or leave it.
Hello IronGland,
In my book and my humble opinion it's not an issue of "love it or leave it." I grew up during Vietnam and refused induction in 1969 (being a good little dub). The dumb asses of this country lost the war Vietnam and Korea as they are doing in Iraq. This countries intellegence absolutly sucks, WOMD? I feel ashamed sometimes to be an American. Policies and decisions from our government are powered by money, nothing more, nothing less, not the "Pleadge of Aliegence of the United States of America" or the waving of U.S. flags.
Take your "Patriotism" ( I use that term loosely) and live by it if you want to or live by the reality of events that have unfolded in this Nations history............It flat sucks.
0. Over 50,000 military personel died there
on another tread this point came up.
scotsman posted a comment about a certain poster being gay, and i do not know or care if this is true or not, and in conflict over the fear of dying at armageddon for this "sin".
do any of you fear the big a because of your lifestyle?
It was October of 1975. I was 24 years old and D/F. I visited the homestead in Kentucky which was a shack on a hillside and walked outside looking up at the clouds. Great fear ran through me as I expected meteors of fire to decend from the heavens and burn me to a crisp.I felt ashamed and guilty somehow.
After reading "Crisis of Conscience" and the fabulous posts of this and other boards, I became free of fear from the Big "A". The sad part is I was in fear of it for over 40 years, living to die one day at a time.
do you believe that telling a lie is generally no big deal?
do you try not to lie?
i know some that will speak the truth no matter how much it might hurt.
I, for one, prefer to do the little side step like the Mayor in the movie "Best Little WhoreHouse in Texas".........."Honey do you like my hair long or short?" Well sweetheart, you would look great even if you were bald so it really doesn't matter to me, just wear your hair the way you want.
I like her hair long.
some of you know that we live way out in the country, deep in the woods of northern mn.
one of the great things out here is the abundant wildlife that we see everyday.
last week we had a huge porcupine in the yard (which our four year old calls a hamster.....lol).
One more thing, my fellow birder! I built and put up a bat house up about 22 feet high. It can hold about 300 bats.
Now, I enjoy my flying friends day and night. It's quite a sight to see the bats come out and consume the bugs in my yard.